Volunteer Roles

Sexual Health Clinic Assistant: The Clinic Assistant works closely with our Sexual Health Development Officer to help facilitate our incredibly popular and often busy drop-in rapid and full sexual health clinics. The aim of the role is to welcome people to the clinics, sign people in, collect their completed forms, escort clients to testing rooms and answer general questions from clients (e.g. ā€œHow long will I have to wait?ā€ or ā€œWhat STIs are screened at this clinic?ā€).Ā  We need someone who can regularly attend clinics on the fourth Tuesday of the month 17.00-20.00. Due to the fact that some of these clinics happen at Outside sauna, which is exclusively for male clientele, weā€™ll need whoever applies to identify as male.Ā 

Sexual Health Admin Assistant: The Sexual Health Admin Assistant volunteer role is to input data collected from testing onto survey monkey, contact clients via text or e-mail about testing, prepare safer sex materials for posting and generally help out the Sexual Health Development Officer.Ā 

Safer Sex Pack Assistant: Our Safer Sex Pack volunteers are affectionately known as our ā€˜condom packersā€™! They work hard to maintain the work that The Rainbow Project undertakes at bars and clubs and come together on Wednesday nights to put together our safer sex packs. Volunteers have the opportunity, to meet, listen to music, have fun, have some food and help us put together packs to be used by service users. This is a social opportunity and perfect if youā€™re short on time and want a flexible opportunity with no long term commitment.Ā 

OUTreach Team: The Rainbow Project has a heavy presence on the LGBT commercial scene in Belfast. Our OUTreach team is a group of highly dedicated volunteers whose role it is to provide information and advice to people in bars and clubs on sexual health, advocacy, hate crime, counselling and other Rainbow Project services.

Fundraising and Events: Are you enthusiastic, reliable and passionate about improving the lives of LGBT people in Northern Ireland? The Rainbow Project is currently seeking to develop community fundraising activities to help us sustain our work in Northern Ireland to provide support to LGBT people and their families. We need your help to raise awareness of our cause and also assist with the various events that take place throughout the year.Ā 

Befriending:Ā  The Befriending service is volunteer led with the aim of reducing social isolation for LGBT people. This is done by introducing befriendees to new social experiences, both LGBT and non-LGBT, offering them the opportunity to make new social connections, try new things and get involved in groups. This gives befriendees the opportunity to meet new people and build up their social connections.

The Befriending service offers both present and past befriendees the opportunity to stay in contact and be part of a group by offering two befriending social events each month – Film Night, and Qulture Club.Ā 

Gay and Bi Dads Group Host

The Gay and Bi Dads Group Host meets and welcomes new participants in the group and supports them by answering any questions they may have. They introduce them to other participants and help to ensure that the new members have a positive experience of the group.

Family Ties Group Host – Recruiting

The volunteering role of a Family Ties Group Host would be to meet and welcome any new members of the group for a chat and answer any questions they might have about the group before introducing them to the group and the other members and making sure they have a positive experience of the group.Ā 

Administration Team

The Rainbow Project relies on a diverse mix of volunteers to maintain and develop our office environment. Our administration volunteers help maintain our data systems, surveying and policy work. They help staff to develop projects and assist with maintaining our building to ensure that it is comfortable and inviting for service users.Ā 

Foyle LGBT Centre

Volunteer Drop In Host – Currently recruiting

The Drop-in Host provides, a safe inclusive and welcoming space to promote the health and wellbeing of the community. The volunteer responds to enquiries within the drop-in space, referral to staff where needed, listening ear service, being the first point of contact to discuss minor issues with clients and ensures that everyone in the space feels comfortable, welcome and secure. They also provide essential support to Rainbow Project staff as needed. Drop in is open at the Foyle LGBT Centre every Wednesday from 12.00pm-4.00pm.

Menā€™s LGBT Peer and Social Support Group – Currently RecruitingĀ 

Menā€™s Group Volunteers provide a safe inclusive and welcoming space to promote the health and wellbeing of the community at our fortnightly Menā€™s Group. This is a peer to peer led group so the volunteers identify as male to be able to fulfill the role. The volunteers are friendly and organise the schedule of themeā€™s such as movie nights, health information and other fun activities. Menā€™s Group meets at the Foyle LGBT Centre every second Monday 7.00pm-9.00pm.Ā 

Creative Writing Volunteers

The creative writing volunteer is a member of the LGBT community and facilitates the group discussion and organises content for upcoming groups. The group meets fortnightly on Saturdays 2pm – 3.30pm.

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