Sexual Health Team

Sexual Health Team 

Sexual Health Clinical Assistant, Belfast – Currently recruiting

We’re looking for someone to work closely with our Sexual Health Development Officer to help manage our incredibly popular and often busy drop-in rapid and full sexual health clinics at Pipeworks, Outside and our Belfast centre. We need someone to help carry light equipment to ( e.g. hazardous waste bin or pop-up banner) sign clients in, collect their completed forms, escort clients to testing rooms (it’s actually quite easy to get lost particularly in low-lit almost labyrinth like saunas) and answer general questions from clients (e.g. “How long will I have to wait?” or “What STIs are screened at this clinic?”).  We need somoene who can regularly attend clinics on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month 17.30-20.00. It’s a great opportunity to build customer service and adminstrative skills whilst gaining experience in sexual health. Due to the fact that these clinics happen at saunas exclusively for male clientele we’ll need whoever applies to identify as male. No experience necessary! Please fill out an application form and return to

Volunteer Role Description – Belfast – Sexual Health Assistant

Sexual Health Assistant-Application-Form

Sexual Health Admin Assistant, Belfast – Currently recruiting

A Sexual Health Admin Assistant helps input data collected from testing onto surveymonkey, contacts clients via text or e-mail about testing, readies requested safer sex materials for posting and generally just helps out the Sexual Health Development Officer! Please fill out an application form and return to

Role Description – Belfast – Sexual Health Admin Assistant

Sexual Health Admin Assistant-Application-Form

Safer Sex Pack Assistant, Belfast- Currently recruiting

Our Safer Sex Pack Assistants are affectionately known as our ‘condom packers’! They work hard to maintain the work that The Rainbow Project undertakes at bars and clubs and come together on Wednesday nights to put together our safer sex packs. Volunteers have the opportunity, to meet, listen to music, have fun and help us put together packs to be used by service users. This is a social opportunity and perfect if you’re short on time and want a flexible opportunity with no long term commitment.

Role Description – Belfast Safer Sex Pack Assistant

Safer Sex Pack Assistants Application Form

OUTreach Team – Currently recruiting

The Rainbow Project has a heavy presence on the LGBT commercial scene in Belfast. Our OUTreach team is a group of highly dedicated volunteers whose role it is to provide information and advice to people in bars and clubs on sexual health, advocacy, hate crime, counselling and other TRP services.

We are currently recruiting and if you are interested in either roles please complete an application form and return to Leo E:

Role Description – Belfast OUTreach Officers

Role Description – Belfast OUTreach Supervisors

OUTreach Application Form

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